Who are we

The UP-Station project was born in the early 2000s. The site’s vocation was to publish album reviews and it was run by a group of enthusiasts. This site was one of the “pure player” pioneers of online editorial content. At the time, we were able to make interesting partnerships with Yahoo! or Wanadoo, it was for the glory, difficult to imagine today!

After years of fallow, the different members having each progressed on their own, I decided to relaunch the project with 2 main axes:

1. dematerialized music as we consume it today, by offering a unique radio, mixing all styles, all eras, to clean your ears!

2. the analog music that we find in the grooves of black discs, those which still represent a real material and sentimental value, musical objects which cross time and generations. These vinyl records often have magnificent sleeves, in large format, which we offer for sale, new or used, AND it’s unique and original, they are always sold framed!